冥王星处在太阳系的外边缘,距地球五十六亿公里。这里地处偏远,即使使用世界上最强大的哈勃太空望远镜观测,它似乎只是一个模糊的斑点。在Naked Science系列中的重新发现冥王星一集里,我们采访了研究冥王星这一神秘世界的科学家,他们生动的描绘了冥王星的可能景象,本集为关于冥王星的行星地位的争论带来新观点,同时介绍了New Horizons航天器的突破性技术,目前New Horizons航天器正进行历时15年,飞向冥王星之旅,以对该行星进行进一步探索。
Pluto resides on the outer edges of the solar system, a staggering 5.6 billion kilometres from Earth. It's so remote that even using the world's most powerful space telescope, the Hubble, it appears as nothing more than a blurry blob. In this episode of Naked Science, meet the scientists who, despite having little to go by, have dedicated their studies to finding out about this mysterious world, painting a vivid picture of what Pluto might be like. This episode weighs in on the debate regarding Pluto's planetary status and looks at the groundbreaking technology of the New Horizons spacecraft which is currently embarking on a 15-year journey to Pluto to find out more.