01梦中人 ——抒怀之作,陈歌辛代表曲目之一,磁感女声,一字一句,韵味不减当年
01 The One in My Dream: one of representative lyrical composition of Chen Gexin. Re-sung by an alto word by word. Her singing is full of the same verve as in those years.
02蔷薇处处开 —— 龚秋霞成名之作,老上海点播率最高歌曲之一
02 Rosebushes Flourish Everywhere: a work made a name for Gong Qiuxia and was one of the most frequent requested songs on radio in old Shanghai.
03恋之火 ——委婉如诉,却又满藏热火
03 The Fire of Love: it’s mild and tender, yet with burning passions inside.
04花样的年华 —— 曾因《花样年华》一度成为怀旧必备
04 The Flowery Youth: used in the famous movie In the Mood of Love, which made it become a must for reminiscence for a time.
05苏州河边 —— 情深意切,从第一个字起就入了意境
05 By Suzhou River: with deep feelings and true emotions; carries us to its atmosphere from the very first note.
06永远的微笑 —— 罗大佑、蔡琴、金士杰、龙应台曾鼎力推荐,陈歌辛倾献爱妻之作
06 The Forever Smile: recommended by Luo Dayou, Cai Qin, Jin Shijie, Long Yingtai with their kind effort; dedicated to his wife by the composer, Chen Gexin.
07相思的滋味 —— 为周璇量身定做之曲,缠绵悱恻的相思之情磁幻再现
07 The Taste of Missing: specially written for the singer Zhou Xuan; it’s the reappearance of the exceedingly sentimental feelings of missing.
08玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 ——第一首在世界风行的中国流行歌曲,满溢浓情
08 Rose, Rose I Love You: the first Chinese song that prevails internationally; it’s full of strong feelings.
09三轮车上的小姐 ——风靡旧日上海,交关惹气,句句是上海石库门的味道
09 The Lady on the Tricycle: prevails old Shanghai; it’s very angry; every note is filled with the taste of Shikumen, Shanghai.
10初恋 —— 戴望舒意境之作,深浸哀怨,感人至深
10 My First Love: a romantic poem by Chinese famous poet Dai Wangshu; it contains deep sorrow and strong sentiment and moves every one deeply.
11凤凰于飞 —— 广为流传,半个世纪以来被改编成各种音乐形式,A-Mei也在《歌声魅影》中翻唱
11 Phenix Flys: a popular song, which has been arranged into all kinds of music since a half century; the famous Taiwan singer A-Mei also re-sings the song in her album Gesheng Meiying (The Charming Shadows Of Singing).
12夜上海 —— 倾人倾城的老上海情调符号,百乐门经典
12 The Nocturnal Shanghai: a beautiful moving song, a sentimental sign of old Shanghai, a classic of Paramount.