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标题: mayday parade - a lesson in romantics [打印本页]

作者: Raito    时间: 2007-7-18 17:04     标题: mayday parade - a lesson in romantics

mayday parade

album:a lesson in romantics
artist:mayday parade
release date:july 10, 2007
lable:fearless records



        著名的mayday parade2005年冬在美国佛罗里达成立,经过近2年的发展,如今已经成为美国最为出色的一线年轻摇滚乐团。新专集还未推出,全美的mayday parade迷们就在互联网上迫不及待的一片期盼讨论中,7月10日mayday parade的最新专集《a lesson in romantics》及官方配套专辑t袖衫一同销售!
    在2006年巡演中,当记者采访mayday parade在演出过程中印象最为深刻的事情是什么,mayday parade全体成员回答竟出人意料的是,当他们演出结束后发现有一位很可爱的小孩在哼唱着他们的歌曲,这使他们感到最以外,也是最为兴奋的事情!


01. jamie all over
02. black cat
03. when i get home, you're so dead
04. jersey
05. if you wanted a song written about you, all you had to do was ask
06. miserable at best
07. walk on water or drown
08. ocean and atlantic
09. i'd hate to be you when people find out what this song is about
10. take this to heart
11. champagne's for celebrating (i'll have a martini)
12. i'll be the wings that keep your heart in the clouds



[ 本帖最后由 ifii 于 2007-7-18 07:21 PM 编辑 ]

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