标题: TOY BOX ,换个丹麦口味 [打印本页] 作者: zqword 时间: 2007-8-11 04:52 标题: TOY BOX ,换个丹麦口味
成员:Anila Mirza 、Amir Elfalaki
TOY-BOX是被称作\\\"童话之乡\\\"的丹麦名副其实的国宝级乐队!也许是受了文化上的熏陶和感染, 他们的歌曲里充满了童趣味儿和卡通味儿!看过他们的MTV之后更觉得他们可爱而有趣,清爽至极的歌曲,欢快简单的舞步!看罢之后让人的心情豁然开朗。
至今他们已经拥有了百万畅销单曲等等! 乐队成员包括声音甜美如同小女孩的主唱Anila Mirzar,还有嗓音低沉粗哑的Amir。 1996年的圣诞节前夜他们在一个舞会上偶尔相遇,因为对音乐有着共同的追求, 他们决定组成一支叫\\\"TOY-BOX\\\"的组合! 1999年乐队推出单曲\\\"Tarzan and Jane\\\",并迅速成为丹麦,瑞典和挪威排行榜上的冠军曲!同时打进了Billboard的前五名!
1999年他们的首张专辑《Fantastic》一经推出就在欧洲和亚洲创下了100万张的销量。主打歌《Tarzan and Jane》,《Best friend》和《The sailor song》都拍成了MTV。其中《Tarzan and Jane》这支MTV将一头大象搬进了摄影棚,Anila饰演Jane,Amir饰演Tarzan,整个MTV欢快又不失幽默。《Best friend》和《The sailor song》这两首歌动用了很多电脑特技,拍得也很有趣。
Christmas days and Valentines,
happy days when you were mine
Baby, Easter morning, summer nights,
how I miss you by my side
Many lonely nights I cried.
Wondering boy, why oh why?
Even though I cant deny our love, love you so
Im divided in two. Please tell me what should I do?
A part of me says no no no no, and another runs to you
So divided in two. Please tell me what should I do?
Cause youre driving me crazy, Im so in love with you
Every evening, every hour,
every day where are you now?
Baby, every time I close my eyes,
see your face and then I cry
Now I feel I cant describe,
how I miss you here tonight
Though you make me feel like Im allright, be by my side
Im divided in two. Please tell me what should I do?
A part of me says no no no no, and another runs to you
So divided in two. Please tell me what should I do?
Cause youre driving me crazy, Im so in love with you
Um...Im not here right now, so leave a message, bye
Baby, please pick up the phone, I know youre there.
Anyway, I just want to tell you that Im sorry,
I love you, and I miss you
Im divided in two. Please tell me what should I do?
A part of me says no no no no, and another runs to you
So divided in two. Please tell me what should I do?
Cause youre driving me crazy, Im so in love with you
Oh boy youre driving me crazy, Im so in love with you
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