我和她约会一切感觉十分顺利 看来我今晚不用自己摸自己 I took her on a date, things seemed so bright I knew i would not need my you porn tonight 我们回到她家就开始爽 我们把衣服都……脱地上 We go to her place and we fool around We throw all our clothes...to the ground 灯一关我们就发动引擎 我一用力却觉得实在有点儿紧 We begin as she turns out the lights I start but feel something so extra tight 她轻声尖叫,她眉头紧锁 我低头看着套,却看见-黄-颜-色- I hear her cry, and I see her frown I look at the condom, it is all brown 昨晚,噢噢噢,我插错了一个洞 真对不起,噢噢噢噢,我真的非常囧 因为我插错了一个洞 Last night, ooo, I stuck it in the wrong hole I'm so sorry, oooo, from the bottom of my soul ....cause i stuck it in the wrong hole 吃点止痛药或许你会好一些 谁让那两个洞帖得那么密切 Try some preparation H it'll make you feel better In my defense those holes are so close together 哦宝贝宝贝请别觉得这太脏 小狗式中这种意外也算是 很正常 Oh baby baby don't feel defiled it's a common accident during doggy style 没有灯光我真的看不太清晰 我真不知道自己那东西放在了那里 It was so dark I couldn't see so good I had no idea where i put my wood 我希望可以补救可以解决一切 假如你想的话你可以带个假东西,干我一整夜~(不过我希望她不要) I want to make things better want to make things alright If you want you can put on a strap on and give it back to me all night ( I'd rather if she didn't) *高潮*(双关) 我从来没有想要让你受到任何伤害 我猜这正是为什么插那儿不太愉快 I never ever want to make you feel hurting I guess thats why God made that hole not for inserting 请告诉我你怎么想,宝贝别犹豫 我明白了在监狱里捡肥皂是什么情绪 Tell me how you feel, baby please don't pause Now I know how they feel in that HBO show OZ 或许吃点儿消炎药,痛就会好 你现在走路的样子都能参加残奥 Maybe take some Advil, your pain it will fix From the way you are walking, you can compete in the special olympics 要是在阿拉巴马我们已经上了法庭 我妈过去总是这样把我体温测清…… If this was Alabama we would be on trial, Thats how my mom took my temperature when I was a child 我得坦白,我想你会开怀 我挺喜欢你从我后面上来 I've got a confession, and I think you won't mind I kinda liked when you put it in my behind 宝贝我不是禽兽,我不知道…… 就晚上再试一次,好不好? I don't know baby, I'm no Sodomite Can't we just try it again, tonight? 好~~~!!!! Alright! 每一晚,噢噢噢,我插错一个洞 真是爽,噢噢噢噢,怀孕担心完全不用~~~ 当我们插错一个洞~ Every night, oooo, I stick it in the wrong hole It's so much fun, oooo, and we don't need no birth control When we stick it in the wrong hole. 我插在你后面…… I stuck in your ass... 曲子很美好,歌词很猥琐难怪要被禁播啊。